
As you may have already deduced (perhaps from the fact that I have created this running blog), I love to run. As I continue to learn more about myself and how I identify myself, at this point in my life I can unequivocally say that running is at the center of this 27 year old ever growing conundrum known as me

As for many runners, my journey with running has had many parallels with a sick and twisted yet glorious relationship. It has traveled between the casual and the competitive, the injured and uninjured, the frustrated and determined, the disappointed and the proud, from highs to lows, and back again. I have always been a textbook case of the introverted individual. However, if you know any serious runner in your life, you know runners often suffer (myself included) from the talk-about-every-single-aspect-of-your-running-life syndrome... which Mark Remy from Runner's World eloquently describes as an evolutionary hunting mechanism:

"My own theory is that our ancestors did indeed use running to hunt – not by running animals to exhaustion, but by cornering them in social situations and talking to them about running until they collapsed of boredom."

See Full Article: http://www.runnersworld.com/fun/our-ancestors-ran-animals-to-death-well-not-exactly

However, I feel it requires another fellow runner to truly understand this alien language. As you are currently reading this running blog, I assume and hope you are a fellow runner and can appreciate this insight. If not, well... nobody's perfect. Thus, in the name of personal growth and to satisfy the above mentioned runner's tick, I have decided to give this running blog a shot.

Since I am running a blog about running (HA!) I chose the blog name MetaRunner to embody such humorous coincidence... and because Running Starfish was already taken.

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